Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapists help people of all ages live life. The term occupation is a broad term, referring to all the things a person does each day. The goal of occupational therapy is to help people increase participation in chosen occupations. In pediatrics, occupational therapist can help children with all areas of development including physical, sensory, motor, social, emotional, and behavior. Occupational therapists identify barriers to participation in daily life and work with children and families overcome or remove barriers to increase participation. The occupational therapy process begins with the evaluation. Therapists then work to develop a treatment plan focused on the needs of the child and family. Occupational therapists use therapeutic interventions that are child-centered to develop skills. They believe it is important for the child to experience success within activities, that the therapist facilitates that success through structuring of the environment and activities, and that success in task completion is the highest reward.
Areas address by pediatric occupational therapists:
Fine motor skills
Gross motor skills
Sensory integration and sensory processing
Visual skills, including ocular motor sills, visual perception, and visual motor skills
Social participation
Eye-hand coordination
Strength and endurance
Activities of daily living (self-care skills)
Rest and sleep
Instrumental activities of daily living (i.e. meal prep, cleaning up, managing school work, etc.)
Cognitive development and executive functioning
Developing leisure activities
Developing play skills
Improving behaviors
Facilitating adaptive behaviors for successful transitions, participation, and interaction with others
Social-emotional skills

Some children have formal diagnoses and are referred to occupational therapy by their physician. Other children have been referred by a teacher due to difficulties in school. Parents also can make a self-referral for occupational therapy. If your child is having difficulties performing any daily tasks, occupational therapy may be able to help! Call about our FREE 15 minutes screening to see if occupational therapy can help.
Some of the diagnoses treatment by occupational therapy
Autism spectrum disorder
Sensory processing disorder
Down syndrome
Cerebral palsy
Low muscle tone
Genetic disorders
Developmental delay
Brachial plexus injury
Post concussion syndrome
Developmental coordination disorder
Post injury or post surgery